Your Path to Carbon Neutrality
Greenhouse Gas Inventories
A Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory is a calculated list of emissions generated from a specific area. Many entities conduct GHG Inventories. The largest GHG inventory addresses entire planetary emissions and several organizations ranging from the UN to the US EPA create these.
Read more about Global GHG Inventories here:
Environmental Protection Agency
GHG Inventories are incredibly complex databases. Many variables must be taken into consideration, and the blunt truth is that we will not have a greater sense of what needs to be improved until there is broader participation from local governments. The following NY Times article lays out the challenges that are faced in creating accurate GHG inventories for many cities. If larger cities with larger departments and resources are struggling, this doesn't bode well for smaller towns and boroughs. But Greenheart Partners has solved this problem.
However, we must recognize that efforts are being made, even if the pace could be accelerated with a few changes. While these efforts are encouraging, according to the Brookings Institute, less than half of the 100 largest cities in the US have established GHG reduction targets.
Greenheart Partners has experience creating GHG Inventories. One of the co-founders was instrumental in creating the most recent and accurate inventory ever published for State College, PA. This invaluable experience means that we have the capability of producing a GHG Inventory for your community in a timely, accurate, and affordable manner.